Wednesday, July 28, 2010

No. 116: Fujifilm collects and reuses steam released in the production process (July 29, 2010)

Fujifilm will start to collect and reuse steam released into the atmosphere in the production process of liquid crystal panel materials. The plan will start in the three domestic plants in Japan that produce protective films for deflection plates. The company wishes to reduce carbon dioxide emissions by 6,000-7,000 tons per year beginning in 2011. The pressurized steam is released to the atmosphere after it is utilized, but the company developed the technology to repressurize the released steam and mix it with pressurized steam supplied by the boiler for reuse. Fujifilm projects the annual carbon dioxide emissions from its six major plants at 720,000 tons in 2012, which is the same level in 2009, despite the planned 20% production increase. The company has already introduced natural gas to reduce carbon dioxide emissions. This technology will supposedly spread to production plants in various industries.

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